Our Churchyard

As the autumn approaches, the wildflower area of the churchyard has died back allowing the seeds to repopulate for next year, and is now cut and ready for any final clearing. Sadly, some of the trees and shrubs have succumbed after several years of drought, plus infestation of the box moth caterpillar which has caused devastation around Dry Drayton this summer, leaving a couple of areas in need of attention.

Weather permitting, there will be one or two work parties on Saturdays 14th and/ or 21st October to finish the tidying up, trim hedges and trees, re-edge the path and carry out some selective weeding. Larger tasks will not be tackled, as these require professional input! If you are able to help, either let the Churchwarden know (contact details in the Dry Drayton Newsletter), or, turn up equipped with some appropriate tools from 9am. Tea and biscuits will be provided!

(from Carole Sargent)

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